The affiliated player must submit the Scoring Record from the other federation to the Handicap Committee.
For adjustment of a Handicap Index lower than 2.0, please contact the HCRC of the Federation.
The update of the Handicap Index based on the Scoring Record from overseas should start by importing scores.
Reports -> Players List -> Select the player -> Import Scores -> Register each score
More details here
Note: The scores will be used at the end of the day calculation and the handicap will be updated for the following day.
If, exceptionally, scores dated before the initial handicap allocation are imported, contact the CHCR of the FPG and do not adjust the handicap.
The Handicap Committee should first analyse the Handicap Index already updated, in the following day, with the imported scores. If, after the handicap is updated, with the imported scores, the Handicap Committee decides to make a further adjustment based on the scoring record from overseas:
In the Club Area
Reports-> Players List -> Select Player -> HCP Adjustment
Fill in:
Note: the new handicap is immediately available. When a player submits a new score, a handicap adjustment is applied to the previous cards, corresponding to the change of handicap applied by the adjustment. The Handicap Committee must monitor the situation to check if the adjustment has the desired effect, when the affiliated player submits additional scores.
A Federação Portuguesa de Golfe é uma pessoa coletiva de direito privado e de utilidade pública, fundada em 20 de Outubro de 1949, constituída sob a forma associativa e sem fins lucrativos.
Rua Santa Teresa do Menino Jesus Nº6, 17º andar Miraflores 1495-048 Algés Portugal
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